This is the Year...

Additionally, Sidewalk Advocates in pro-life states have to focus, more than ever before, on taking into the town square the good news about pregnancy resource centers and other life-affirming organizations and services. That means canvassing neighborhoods and leaving behind flyers or other information. It means exhibiting at community events. It means giving pulpit talks after church services. It means going outside of our comfort zone. It means broadening our scope to connect with the greater community. And it means working together – with Sidewalk Advocates in other locations, with pregnancy resource centers, and with other pro-life organizations – in a new way. In the months since Roe has fallen, the pro-life movement has basked in a sense of relief and gratitude that after nearly half a century, this wrong-headed decision was knocked down. But none of us have been resting on our laurels! On the contrary: now that a state’s stance on abortion rests in the hands of the voters, now that women are receiving financial assistance from abortion funds to help them cross state lines, now that a woman from one state may encounter a Sidewalk Advocate on the sidewalk in a different state, we are even more focused, thinking even more creatively, and acting even more cooperatively. The fall of Roe was a miracle that many of us thought we would never see in our lifetime. We were wrong! Now is the time to focus on an even greater miracle: the end of abortion in our nation. Roe has fallen, but moms in crisis still exist – and they still need our help, our support, and the love of Christ to understand that they can choose life for their preborn babies. As we enter the new year, we must keep that fact at the forefront of our minds, and work together to reach abortion clients where they are, to offer them what they need, and to make abortion absolutely unthinkable -- for the women we talk to, for our nation as a whole, and for generations to come. “The fall of Roe was a miracle that many of us thought we would never see in our lifetime. We were wrong! Now is the time to focus on an even greater miracle: the end of abortion in our nation.” Lauren Muzyka