This is the Year...

Then this lady from the Health Department saw it, knew it was expensive and decided to see if someone could use it. And so this pregnancy clinic in Austin received formula for all of their clients who needed formula when they prayed for formula for the first client to ask for formula.” You can hear this entire story from Lori in Episode 1 of The Pro Life Team Podcast. This story is an encouragement as our God is the God who feeds thousands from a boy’s lunch. This is a story of loaves and fishes feeding thousands. This is the year of stories, prayer, encouragement and praising God. LOCAL PRO-LIFE POLITICS This is the year when states regained power to create laws to protect life in the earliest stages without being severely limited by Roe V Wade. Each state has regained the power to pass laws to govern abortion within their state. This is empowering local state politicians. Local politicians include Senators and school board members along with every office in between. Each local political office can have a new impact on life-giving decisions surrounding life and abortion in our local communities. In Episode 46 of The ProLife Team Podcast, I interviewed Louis Barnett. Louis has worked in the political arena of the prolife world by creating prolife voting guides in California. In our podcast together, Louis talked about the need for pro-life people to consider running for local political office. It is important for those who are strongly prolife to consider running for local political office. If you are firmly prolife and willing to learn how to govern, now is the time to start praying about running for local politics. Your prolife voice will have greater impact under the Dobbs decision. For many good people, politics in general is an undesirable destination much like Nineveh. So, it is true that Nineveh is an undesirable place to go - and in fact is a dangerous place to go. If you stop and pray and ask God - “What would you have me do here?” - you may find that He is calling you into a position to influence policy for Him - bringing your life affirming lens to shape local policies. “The Dobbs case has welcomed us into a new era of local pro-life political power making room for life-giving policies in each local community across the country.” Jacob Barr ...”Stories” from page 11 WWW.PRO.LIFE | 1 (800) 858-3040 | 919 S. MAIN ST, SNOWFLAKE, AZ 85937 12