This is the Year...

The symbol of Life Precious Feet Every achievement, great and small has originated with an idea. Very often one good idea leads to still another, thus compounding the impact of the original idea. Such is the story of our Precious Feet lapel pin, identical in size and shape to the feet of a ten week old unborn baby. It was God’s “idea” that you and I should be created in His image and likeness. He declared us His very own children from the moment of fertilization. This is verified in Holy Scripture: “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, Before you came to birth, I consecrated you.” Jeremiah 1:5. Our body, God revealed, is a temple of the Holy Spirit. On January 22, 1974 in San Diego, California, preparing for the March for Life on the first anniversary of Roe vs. Wade, prolifers placed a full page ad in the San Diego Union. Prominent in the ad was a picture of the tiny feet of a ten week old unborn baby. The picture haunted me. Dr. Russell Sacco had a remarkable idea back in 1970. The pathologist who shared his lab with Dr. Sacco kept unborn babies (fetuses) in formaldehyde lined up on a shelf. Dr. Sacco, father of four, had become acutely aware of the highly developed state of the very tiniest of these unborn babies. As a photographer, he envisioned the power of a dramatic picture: the tiny feet. Through the years his remarkable photograph of the perfect precious feet held between the thumb and forefinger has become synonymous with prolife action throughout the world. I expressed my immediate reaction to Dr. Sacco’s classic photograph to my husband Ellis: “These precious little feet should be the prolife movement’s official symbol”. Exact size and shape of an unborn baby’s feet at 10 weeks after conception. Recognized as the international symbol of the pro-life movement. Save 10% with code K11H by 12/31/2023. Dr. Sacco confided, “It has been difficult for me to comprehend the enormous impact my picture has had on the pro-life movement”. Our Precious Feet are the direct result of this great photograph. The impact is being felt around the world. The Precious Feet were designated as the “International Pro-Life Symbol” at a world-wide symposium in Dublin, Ireland in 1979. At this writing nearly 12 million have been distributed in 30 countries and 6 continents. Ellis and I directed the Heritage House ‘76 from our home in Taylor, AZ. What started with the Precious Feet became a source for Pro-Life literature, bumper stickers, videos, and just about anything a Pro-Life group would need. For six years the proceeds of the Heritage House supported a home for unwed mothers, run by our daughter and her husband, Mike and Dinah Monahan. We also supported a local crisis pregnancy service known as “We Care.” WWW.PRO.LIFE | 1 (800) 858-3040 | 919 S. MAIN ST, SNOWFLAKE, AZ 85937 14