This is the Year...

recognize this in both the medical and public spheres. Physicians around the country now have hope that medicine might return to its origins as a life-affirming force – a profession that provides the best care possible to all patients, born and preborn. As I look forward to another year of serving alongside my fellow physicians, I am confident that 2023 will be the year that we return to our Hippocratic roots. This is the year that we take a stand in protecting our most vulnerable patients by abolishing the practice of killing them for no medical reason. This is the year that we find real solutions for our pregnant patients, solutions that truly promote life. This is the year that we bring “do no harm” back into the medical profession. — Christina Francis, MD Health was so broadly defined as to include every possible elective reason for seeking an abortion. This change, made without any input from the common ACOG member, allowed the organization to become a staunch abortion advocate, writing pro-abortion amicus briefs for every major abortion-related Supreme Court case since Roe v. Wade. It also allowed the nation’s medical landscape to deviate from its life-affirming roots. And for nearly 50 years, we continued to stray from our Hippocratic values. But on June 24th, 2022, when the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe and Casey came down, our nation and our profession finally received a significant opportunity to get back on track. By returning the question of abortion’s legality to the states, the Supreme Court gave Americans the chance to pass laws that are aligned with the most recent scientific research – such as the indisputable evidence that human life begins at conception, and that preborn children can feel pain as early as 10-12 weeks gestation. Science clearly shows that the preborn are valuable human beings who deserve high-quality medical care, not abortion. In addition, physicians can now look for ways to care for vulnerable pregnant women other than by killing their preborn children. Abortion has never been a solution to the social or medical complications of pregnancy; the Dobbs decision allows us to