This is the Year...

...Abortion Pil Ava l ilability THIS IS THE YEAR FOR... This is the year… for abortion pill availability. The positive pregnancy test was unexpected; but not really surprising. She knew it could happen. It had happened before but this time she was prepared. She had the pill sitting on her nightstand. It had been easy to get; request it online and it showed up a few days later. She was happy she had it and she was ready to take it. She just wanted to look online one last time to make sure it was safe. It is estimated that over 53% of abortions occur using the abortion pill mifepristone. In 2020, the FDA removed restrictions for in-person exams and allowed the drug to be mailed after a short online interview. Mifepristone is now available by mail in every state and liberal states like New York have passed laws to protect doctors who prescribe the drug via telehealth even to patients in states where mifepristone is not legal for abortion. Women are encouraged to stock-pile the pills and others have offered to mail the pills to any women in need of ending the life of their unborn child. In short, getting ahold of the abortion pill is now easier and faster than it has ever been. This has created a bleak position for the pro-life movement. Many clients, instead of needing an ultrasound, use the new FDA guidance and don’t leave their home to have their abor- WWW.PRO.LIFE | 1 (800) 858-3040 | 919 S. MAIN ST, SNOWFLAKE, AZ 85937 20