This is the Year...

What dropped into my heart was not just an answer to what had happened but it also addressed the deeper meaning of why this event had occurred. Young people had suddenly burst into this facility opening fire aimlessly down every corridor. Shooting randomly, their fury, fueled by hatred for this generation, was directed at those they considered unworthy of life, a waste, something to be discarded. They were enraged. They wanted revenge upon this generation who had twisted and distorted the views of their own parents and in their minds caused misery for them. It was a bad dream, a vision that I will never forget. It seemed so real that I was certain I would see something like this in the headlines. I soon realized that the Lord was revealing a deeper meaning to me. The rage we see in our culture today, the hatred and random killings we are witnessing more and more in this nation are not so random. They are the calculated reaping of murderous seeds planted through Roe v. Wade years ago. Seeds of murder were sown, snuffing out the lives of innocent children whose lungs would never take their first breath. continued on page 25... “I soon realized that the Lord was revealing a deeper meaning to me. The rage we see in our culture today, the hatred and random killings we are witnessing more and more in this nation are not so random. ” Doreen Strohm