This is the Year...

But God... But God. I love those words… But God was at work in the mother’s heart and she did not go. In February of 1959 their daughter was born. Me. I recognize now how I struggled through my first decades of life. Searching for something I had not known and didn’t know I was missing. Searching for the unconditional love that only comes from God and should have been mirrored by my earthly father. I spent almost forty years doing life my way. Seeking to fill a hole that only God could. During those years God allowed sin to have free reign, but as Job was spared from death, so was I. The path I was treading certainly would have led me to sickness, incarceration and inevitably death. Looking back, I see God’s sovereignty in it all and how my life experiences uniquely prepared me for what God had planned. In the 50 years of Roe v Wade I had personally experienced the aftermath of that decision. Four of those 63 million babies that died were my own. continued on page 32... I was glued to our black and white television in July of 1969 as the limits of earth were shattered and men walked on the moon. I was aware of a Supreme Court ruling in January of 1973 but really didn’t understand the significance of it or how it would impact my life. Then on June 24, 2022 I was an invested witness to the overturning of that Supreme Court ruling. I’d like to take you back in time to an event that was not televised. It made no headlines. In fact, I am now probably the only “witness” to the event. In 1958, after 10 years in a less than ideal marriage, a couple was blessed with a positive pregnancy test. The father did not want his child and the mother was under the thumb of her husband. So when he made an appointment for her to “get rid of the baby” she acquiesced. Dressed and heading out the door, she stopped.