This is the Year...

I may not be in any history books. And I may not have had a human father’s love…but this I know… God, my Father in heaven, always loved me, always wanted me, He planned me. He purposed my life for His glory. I am here because I can speak to those who think they don’t matter, have no significance, or purpose. I speak to those who don’t know just how much God loves them despite their sin. If all I was designed to do is to let people know they have value and are priceless in our Creator’s eye - then so be it. I don’t know if any history-makers will come from the generations that follow - from our sons and their children or their children’s children. It doesn’t matter. We are all in HIS-story! No human life is worthless. No human life should be discarded. No human life is ever unloved, unplanned or unwanted by God. Most of us will probably never make headlines, but we are important. God has given His people the power to protect lives, and to proclaim His Gospel that will set the captives free! Saundra L. Woods Whether it is a simple smile or a hug, a word of encouragement and hope or a prayer, we all have a purpose. We are all planned parts in the mosaic of God’s beautiful masterpiece. I pray that we all will meet people in heaven who are there because of us. I volunteer at my local pregnancy resource center because our mission is to help moms of preborn babies choose life. As a community of Christ followers your mission is to help those children grow and recognize their God given purpose. The reversal of Roe v Wade gives each of us the opportunity to change history, to redeem those lives lost in the past 50 years. This is the year we start.