This is the Year...

The risks are critical regarding how a woman’s body is impacted if they try to end the pregnancy: there is a higher risk of breast cancer, higher probability she will struggle to have a healthy pregnancy in the future, and her emotional and mental health will be challenged. Those stakes are too high. Protecting your child from ever considering those options will have a lifelong impact on her now and for decades ahead. She needs to know you love her and that you will be with her every step of the way. Our family is on the same road, just a few miles ahead of you. We faced our “Day 1” in 2013 and our first grandchild arrived in February 2014. His name is Shelby and he is now in the third grade, and he absolutely changed everything in our family for good!! He came into our home as a tiny baby and a surprise to many; however, he is now the oldest of five grandchildren, the “biggest” brother and an incredibly helpful young man when it comes to his younger siblings. He loves them and he enjoys teaching them new things every day. He loves Spiderman and basketball, and my husband is teaching him to play the electric bass. It is delightful to watch him engage with our family. He has changed our lives for the good and none of us can ever imagine our lives now without him. I don’t know if there is a baby girl or baby boy headed into your family. I don’t know how many of the details will turn out; however, I do know this: God is faithful, and He will provide. Every baby is a blessing and there is never a mistake in God’s equation of life. Your daughter can still go to school, she can still graduate, she can still become exactly what she dreams of in the future. There may be a few months along the way that will need to be rearranged and some of the immediate plans might need to be flexible and creative; in the long run, the JOY will be immeasurable when that little life arrives. continued on page 44... “No matter what your relationship has been in the past, no matter how frustrated you might be, right now what she needs is your relentless love and support.” Lisa Rowe ...”Life” from page 40