This is the Year...

tatives away from being the law of the land. The trifecta of House, Senate, and President is a consistent situation in American politics with Democrats governing all three for ten of the last fifty years. Without a doubt our nation will face another Democrat-controlled House, Senate, and President in the future and that will most-likely result in a national law allowing abortion. The Dobbs decision created a situation where the value of an unborn child is based on the balance of the political power. The temporary gain that comes from certain states rejecting abortion will be offset by the national extremism that can be expressed through Congress. But the largest harm has been in the disregard of the unborn child in the popular mind. By framing the problem as a political systems question, the child in the womb is brushed aside. This has dire consequences from a cultural perspective. As the movement works tirelessly to promote the humanity of the unborn, the cultural white noise is preaching the non-importance of the child. It isn’t a refutation; it is a forgetting. It is the ultimate dehumanization. HOW DO WE MOVE PAST DOBBS? This is the year that we will have to move past Dobbs. We now must carefully win back the philosophical ground we have lost and bring the humanity of the unborn to the forefront of our argument. The political discussion has moved on, but the foundation must be rediscovered. Each human life is valuable and must be protected. How can that be done? Through education and constant truth-telling. We must show our peers that the unborn child is a child of God; that each baby is valuable and deserves our love and protection. This is going to have to be done through churches, booths, speeches, and personal connections. It has to be done online and offline and with those we have relationships and with strangers we just met. In short, we have to pick up and continue doing what was being done before, but now with even more effort. Each person who sees a fetal model or reads about the development of the fetus can bring about change. Through this, a lasting difference can be made. Unfortunately, this is not an easy task. There is no shortcut to changing hearts and minds; there is only a consistent and constant testimony. It may be hard, but I have hope in the people that God has equipped. We have work to do but there is no better work than working for God’s good. To that end, I hope to meet you on the field as we labor together to overcome this great evil. And one day, I hope to celebrate with you how we moved past Dobbs into a time when all human lives are valued. “We must show our peers that the unborn child is a child of God; that each baby is valuable and deserves our love and protection.” Brandon Monahan