This is the Year...

“Grace and peace to you from him who is, and who was, and who is to come.” Revelation 1:4-8 and pain for our family are finally healing but my mom still has a hope that she will see her husband soon. For her, the future is her comfort. The past is full of memories, good and bad, the “now” is still not perfect, but one day, my mom will be able to join my dad in Heaven. She is ready and we bless her to take the journey in God’s timing. Thinking through these situations, my wife said, “And that is why we must have all three; the past, the present and the future. Because God has made us for all of them.” Wholeness of a person, group, or organization starts with embracing this thought; that God has made us to know our past, work in the present and hope for our future. We see God’s hand helping and guiding us through the hard times. We daily rely on His miracles to seize the opportunities He brings. And we look forward to His Heaven where everything is made anew. We must be a “fourth” type of person; one who is whole with our history, comfortable with our today and excited for our tomorrow. And the same is true of the pro-life movement. continued on page 6...