This is the Year...

Paul speaks of his unceasing prayers for the followers of Jesus in the New Testament. We are urged by Paul to pray for all people, including the unborn. Everyone has infinite worth in God’s eyes. We should pray asking God to help those who cannot speak for themselves, interceding on their behalf and giving thanks for them. Pray for those in authority so that we would live peaceful and quiet lives marked by godliness and dignity. Pray for our government officials to protect life. God wants everyone to be saved. God gave His Son Jesus to the world at just the right time so that Jesus could give His life to purchase freedom for everyone. We pray and ask God to help us bring this message to the world as disciples of Christ. Devote yourselves to prayer with an alert mind and a thankful heart. 3Pray for us, too, that God will give us many opportunities to speak about his mysterious plan concerning Christ. That is why I am here in chains. 4Pray that I will proclaim this message as clearly as I should. 5Live wisely among those who are not believers, and make the most of every opportunity. 6Let your conversation be gracious and attractive so that you will have the right response for everyone. ~Colossians 4:2-6 Again Paul tells us to devote ourselves to prayer with an alert mind and a thankful heart! Pray for fellow believers as we share the gospel of Jesus. May we all proclaim this message of the gospel clearly. May our conversations be gracious and attractive. We need to know the Scriptures so that we will have the right responses when we have these conversations. 18Pray in the Spirit at all times and on every occasion. Stay alert and be persistent in your prayers for all believers everywhere. 19And pray for me, too. Ask God to give me the right words so I can boldly explain God’s mysterious plan that the Good News is for Jews and Gentiles alike. 20I am in chains now, still preaching this message as God’s ambassador. So pray that I will keep on speaking boldly for him, as I should. ~Ephesians 6:18-20 Pray in the Spirit at ALL times and on EVERY occasion. Stay alert and be persistent in prayer for all believers everywhere. Pray for each other. “Ask God to give you the right words for the ability to BOLDY explain God’s mysterious plan of salvation for ALL.” ...”Prayer” from page 61 WWW.PRO.LIFE | 1 (800) 858-3040 | 919 S. MAIN ST, SNOWFLAKE, AZ 85937 62