This is the Year...

But all of this will work only if we’re engaged with our elected representatives. We need to know them, and their views on abortion, just as they need to know us and our views. It’s time to ask ourselves how much time and effort we have put into building relationships with our federal and state lawmakers. When Dobbs puts the abortion issue back in the hands of the people and their elected representatives, that refers to every level of government. The US Congress retains its role for federal legislation, and our pro-life members of the House and Senate have introduced helpful pro-life bills, such as those protecting babies starting at 15 weeks. Likewise, the state legislatures have been doing tremendous work in protecting the unborn and their mothers. The task also extends to local governments. The Sanctuary Cities for the Unborn that have arisen in various parts of the country come about through the votes of city councils who decide that there will be no abortion in their city. This is the year for increased engagement on all these levels. The Dobbs decision recognizes that the Supreme Court is not the proper arena for crafting abortion policy, and neither is it equipped to properly do so. Baby Precious 7520BB Baby Innocence 7523BI Baby Innocence & Baby Precious Scan here to order Baby Precious. Scan here to order Baby Innocence. Exquisitely crafted creations from world famous doll designer, Yolanda Bello. A reminder for us to pray for the safety of the unborn.12-week size. Save 10% with code K11H by 12/31/2023. continued on page 70...