This is the Year...

hope of the pro-life movement; that we will continue to save and change lives through God’s power here on Earth. Every victory in each life is a fulfillment of God’s promise. Keeping that thought close to our actions now will help create wholeness as a movement and an individual. BECOMING A “WHOLE” MOVEMENT To be whole, we must embrace the past, live in the present, and know that our hope is secure in God. God is the God who was, who is and who is to come. He is present and active from beginning to end. If we want wholeness we can’t avoid a painful past or ignore a scary future. We must see God for what He has done, what He is doing, and what He will do in the future. With that mindset, we will be able to respect those who came before, succeed in the work of today, and plan well for what must be done in the future. — Brandon Monahan