This is the Year...

For more about the Dobbs case and its implications for pro-life work, visit Fr. Frank Pavone, National Director of Priests for Life, the largest ministry in the Catholic Church focused on ending abortion, is one of the most prominent pro-life leaders in the world and has devoted his entire life and work to ending abortion. Learn more at www.EndAbortion.US. Fr. Frank Pavone | National Director, Priests for Life, Pastoral Director, Rachel’s Vineyard and Silent No More Eleven years ago, I stood at the bedside of a man who was dying in his home apartment in New York City. He was an abortionist who became pro-life. In fact, as he described it, he uncaged the abortion monster in the United States. He was the key architect of the abortion industry, and of Roe v. Wade, and I knew him well: Dr Bernard Nathanson. When I went into his room that last time that I saw him, he could hardly talk. I had to put my head down to his, and the first words he said to me in that whisper that took every ounce of his energy were these: “Father Frank, how goes the crusade?” He wasn’t thinking about himself. He was thinking about you and me, and all those on the front lines of this movement trying to undo the evil he had unleashed, as he himself was trying to undo it. Today, as we begin a year when our work with our elected representatives at every level will bear more fruit than ever, we can answer Dr. Nathanson’s question confidently: “Yes, the crusade goes well. It goes very well!” Indeed, this is the year!