This is the Year...

tual violence which exploit their weakness and vulnerability; • actively opposing attempts and actual acts of dehumanization; • educating oppressors and others who are opposed to their right to live; and • transforming system structures and institutions that create and facilitate oppression and harm • support those who are primary decision makers about the person’s life The shift to include or prioritize pro-life advocacy as justice work might require us to first think differently. We can remember that people in the womb are our neighbors and therefore are due consideration and protection. We look out for our neighbors partly because we understand the principles of interdependence and mutuality that say when our neighbors are well, it also bodes well for our lives. Additionally, shouldn’t our justice conferences and events include speakers and workshops on pro-life issues? And shouldn’t organizational statements that speak to justice policy include positions and policy demands that call attention to unborn people and their various rights? Importantly, justice work for those in the womb needs language that helps people associate prolife with justice. For example, what can we call pro-life justice work? Charles Carmosy, a medical ethicist and award-winning journalist, uses the term “prenatal justice” which does accurately capture the concerns and considerations involved. And we can’t be afraid to use the terms oppression, dehumanization, discrimination, and other language typically associated with racially-based civil rights work. Yes, there have been and probably will continue to be accusations that we are co-opting terms and principles from other movements. Let people say what they will. No one owns justice except for our God, and as His people we not only have permission but we are under obligation to speak plainly and decisively about rights of our unborn neighbors. Roe reigned for 49 years. This is the year to let pro-life justice roll down like waters. Chandra White-Cummings | Creator, First Justice Initiative ...”Fight” from page 84