This is the Year...

Yet, in the midst of all of the debate, upheaval and turmoil sits millions of women who have already experienced the abortion option and now regret our “choice.” We know intimately about abortion’s lingering and nasty after effects. The reversal of Roe has shaken something loose in many of us. And what we who have received healing from our abortions are coming to understand is that we need to speak up. No longer can we afford to stay silent. If women are to have realistic alternatives then they need to hear the real truth about abortion. continued on page 91... This is the year for our abortion testimonies to make a difference in the discussion. If we believe that the whole truth matters then we won’t be silent any longer. The proliferation of the abortion pills and the immediate trauma women are experiencing after taking them has necessitated the urgency for our stories to be heard. “In this new dystopian world of ‘Do It Yourself’ abortions, women are not being told that they will need to be their own: pharmacist, nurse, counselor and spiritual advisoressentially their own abortionist. ” Sylvia Blakely