This is the Year...

THE TIME FOR THE TRUTH IS NOW. We have already seen several one-sided stories in mainstream publications this year almost glamorizing the “career advantages” of abortion; it is time for the whole story to be told about who our choices really affect and the long-term consequences we’ve experienced both individually and as a society. We who are healed are beginning to stand up, stick out and with humility and compassion, share our often complicated stories. The purposes for sharing our stories are varied: We are speaking up for the frightened woman who has only been given partial information about her options. We are speaking up to preserve the future of Mama and baby and all of the potential they represent. We are speaking up to share why abortion was “thinkable” to us and the consequences we suffered. We are speaking up to share the physical, psychological, and spiritual effects that no one talks about. We are speaking up because we wish someone had spoken to us. We are speaking up because we wish we’d made another choice. There is no glory in this for us, believe me. We are sharing intimate and often hurtful details about our past that few may know. Some of us will be brave enough to share in front of their congregation. Some will share in chat rooms or on phone lines. Some will take a family member aside and share. Others will break a silence that they have lived in for decades. And some will boldly share what happened to them only hours before. We are putting a face to the decision to end a life and that is not an easy thing… But if just one woman hears the reality about abortion and makes a decision to preserve her child’s life-and ultimately hers- then exposing our position will be well worth the risks. THIS IS THE YEAR FOR OUR TESTIMONIES TO MATTER! Sylvia Blakely Founder of ...”Testimonies” from page 89