This is the Year...

“Rest and restoration will allow me to stay the course and finish my race!” Pat Layton Pat Layton | Author, Speaker and Coach Jill Briscoe, The Deep Place Where Nobody Goes: Conversations with God on the Steps of My Soul (Oxford: Monarch, 2005), 17. REST ALLOWS US TO STAY THE COURSE!! We must exchange not only our thoughts but our frenzy, frustration, busyness, anxiety, and “world on our shoulders” mentality to allow God to be God and show Himself strong in spite of our weakness, pressure, and circumstances. God wants to show us what He can do in us and through us—without us! Christ’s rest comes with the realization that His completed work on the cross has provided all that needs to be done for all time. His victory provides life unstuck when we embrace the truth that all the work has already been done to allow us to enter His unstuck rest, His unstuck victory, and His unstuck grace. This is the year to finish the course—rested and ready to follow all God calls us to.