This is the Year...

Scan here to order your literature. “I love the simplicity of how the brochure counter-argues reasons to have an abortion. It is clear and to the point and, yet, maintains a tone of compassion and understanding.” ~Karla, 9430TR-P “I am so excited to see this. Appealing to the fathers is so crucial and we have so many men that walk by at our vigil site. Helping dads be better fathers is crucial as the father is supposed to be the head of the family. We need that to be as it was meant to be.” ~Pat, 9401FH-P “This information has turned many a pregnant mommy from disdain concerning breastfeeding to insisting on it! It thoroughly explains how important breastfeeding is and how it is the absolute best choice for the baby. Thank you for this brochure!!” ~Susan DeMara, 9470WB-P “What a wonderful tool to offer all women. I teach Confirmation to high school age girls, and they are surprised and amazed at the safety and effectiveness of NFP. Thank you for this tangible tool.” ~Karen Downey, 9373NF-P “This is a powerfully illustrated brochure I always carry with me on speaking engagements. I like how the timeline visually depicts how rapidly humans develop, conveying a lot of information to the reader quickly.” ~Nicole Cooley, 9368PD-P “This is very useful in educating the faithful about euthanasia. It is a very difficult subject. More than ever, it is important to address this issue. These disappeared from our literature rack within weeks.” ~Kathleen, 9362EU-P “The men we see often are just as confused about the pregnancy as the young lady may be. I’d give this to the men to help them see other options besides abortion and help them see answers to frequently asked questions.” ~Kathy, 9412SP-P “I use this brochure when I speak publicly about abortion. Recently, I used this resource at a campus event featuring several post-abortion testimonies in conjunction with my remarks on Post Abortion Syndrome and the related research concerning abortion and PTSD. Excellent!” ~Nicole Cooley, 970PA-P