This is the Year...

THIS IS THE YEAR TO... ...Stay theCourse This is the truth---God can do what He needs to do through you—without you! My life has always been lived in the fast lane. Always. I basically jumped over high school straight into college after dropping out as a junior, getting married, having a baby, and getting divorced all in less than two years. Then I met and married my husband Mike, finished college, had another son, doggy paddled through seven years of marriage madness, jumped into the arms of Jesus at age thirty, and have been living life one hundred miles a minute ever since. continued on page 94... FINDING REST AND RESTORATION TIME IS A LIFELONG CHALLENGE FOR ME. People are always commenting on how “busy” I am, but honestly, I feel like everyone I know is pretty much just as busy. Life is a fast-moving, moment-to-moment whirlwind of passing days. Every “big” birthday seems to get bigger and come faster. I know I am not alone in this; all my friends and family seem to be spinning just as much as me.