This is the Year...

continued on page 96... WHO HAS TIME TO REST, RIGHT? Still, the truth is without REST, we cannot finish the race we read about in 2 Timothy 4:7. God demands that we not only rest our bodies and our minds but also that we rest our spirits in Him. Staying the course requires a balance of assignments and rest. WE SERVE BEST FROM OUR RESERVE A sweet friend gave one of my favorite devotional books to me after a season of speaking engagements where she traveled with me and watched me at work. My friends are always trying to help me get better at this. Bless their hearts! The book is called The Deep Place Where Nobody Goes by Jill Briscoe. Oh my. Her words give me a spiritual message every time I read them. Try this on: I ran into the deep place where nobody goes and found Him waiting there. “Where have you been?” He asked me. “I’ve been in the shallow places where everyone lives,” I replied. I knew. He knew. He just wanted me to admit I’d been too busy being busy. “I’m running out . . . ” I began. “Of course,” He said. “I haven’t seen you in a while.” He sat down on the steps of my soul in the Deep Place, where nobody goes, and smiled at me. Angels sang; a shaft of light chased away the shadows and brightened my daily day. I smiled back. “I’m such a fool . . . ” “Shhh,” He said, putting His fingers on my lips. He touched my hurried heart. Startled, it took a deep breath and skidded to a near stop. My spirit nestled in His nearness in the Deep Place where nobody goes. Oh, how I love those words! In fact the pages of this little book are dog-eared and tear-stained. God is looking for leaders who will slow down enough to hear Him when He speaks, who are quiet enough to discern when God redirects their course or when He whispers a name in their ear. In order for us to hear God, our hearts must be paused and undisturbed. God wants us to rest in Him and allow Him to restore and revive us for His great work. In order to STAY THE COURSE, we have to rest and restore. ...”Stay the Course” from page 93 WWW.PRO.LIFE | 1 (800) 858-3040 | 919 S. MAIN ST, SNOWFLAKE, AZ 85937 94